Benefits of Network Membership During a Crisis

IFN Founder and Managing Director, Kelly Bunyan, shared some thoughts regarding the importance of networking, during the current global crisis.

"It is an undeniable fact that our lives and our industry have been massively affected by the Global Pandemic. It’s crucial to be able to adapt, persevere and remain positive during such challenging times, as well as prioritising the most effective ways of sustaining business.

Network membership is one such way. Instigating, building and developing long-term business relationships is far easier with the solid framework of a network in place. Getting to know fellow forwarders whom you can connect with, can be the first steps in creating lasting business and also keeps you open to future opportunities.

Our members have certainly been showing support and solidarity in these troubled times, and remain loyal to the network. In part, due to the benefits listed below. Here below are some of the key benefits their IFN membership gives them."

Quality, vetted agents
Knowing that the companies within your network have gone through the same vetting process as you upon joining, gives you confidence that all members are of the same high calibre. It’s the best way to find top quality agents, over those you might find in a Google search and know nothing about. 

Head Office Support
Having a dedicated Head Office Team available to you is a great benefit of network membership. In such a time-sensitive industry, being confident of quick responses and support in case of problems, is a big factor in your day to day dealings. Your Head Office Team care about your individual progress within the network, and want you to succeed. 

Raised Profile
Being part of a quality and well-established network makes you stand out amongst your competitors. You can display your strengths to your prospective clients and show them how well-connected you are.

Shared Business Opportunities
Network membership increases your likelihood of receiving business requests, and your ability to find great partners to handle your business. Whether the business is immediate or takes time to build, the potential for mutual growth and success is key.

Fresh Perspectives, Advice and Support
Your network members can provide you with more than just net net rates – they are a great source of new perspectives and ideas. Sharing resources, information and exchanging your thoughts and experiences helps everyone to progress. Discussing common ground – be that goals, challenges or ideas – cements your relationships and enhances your bond.

Trust and Engagement
Overall, networking is about building relationships, sharing opportunities and, as a result, success. Engaging with a network strengthens your business, enables you to reach your goals and boosts your overall company profile and global reach.

"Overall, networking is about building relationships, sharing opportunities and, as a result, success. Engaging with a network strengthens your business, enables you to reach your goals and boosts your overall company profile and global reach."

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